How It Works: Smelting

The metals are heated in crucibles at high temperatures in an induction furnace. The metal goes back and forth between the electro-winning and smelting processes to reduce the impurities.

Several different fluxes are added to separate metals, until the selected metal you want is able to be poured into molds for ingots or dore’ bars, and sent to the refinery to become bullion.


Smelting involves purifying the particular metal you wish to refine, going back and forth between disolving the metals, electro-winning and re-heating the metals in a furnace


The metal is placed into crucibles and heated, fluxes are added to separate metals, then dissolved and electro-winned, then melted again until it reaches the correct purity level.

Induction Furnace

The metals collected from the cathodes in the electro-winning tanks are placed into an induction furnace and heated to a high melting point to reduce impurities.


The metal is then poured into molds for ingot or dore’ bars, and sent to the refinery to become bullion, where they are hallmarked and either sold or delivered to buyers.

Clean. Green. Organic

Wild Burro Processing is committed to develop natural resource products that are pure, organic, detoxed, clean, green, and environmentally safe for the world we live in, both in the end product and the way we process them.

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